Project Experience
Project 2017
Tanzania, The project of supporting scheme for promoting rice consumption (TANRICE2)
Marketing, JICA
December 2017
Cambodia Project for rice seed production and promotion
November 2017-
Cote d'Ivoire, Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for improving the quality and access of agricultural machinery
Agricultural Machinery, JICA
September 2017
Sierra Leone, Sustainable Rice Development Project
Post-harvest, JICA
June 2017-
Myanmar The Project for Rural Infrastructure Development in Local Areas
Agricultural Machinery, JICA
June 2017-
Japan Center for Human Development in central Asia (Kirghiz, Kazakhstan)
Food sanitation, JICA
April 2017-
Phillippines, Malitubog-Maridagao Irrigation Project(Phase2)
Agricultural development/Farm management, JICA
April 2017-
Senegal, Project for Improvement of Irrigated rice productivity in the Senegal River Valley(2nd year)
Agricultural machinery/Post-harvest, Distribution/Marketing, JICA
Project 2016
Sri Lanka, The Project for Formulating Cascade System Development Plan under North Central Province Canal (Phase 2)
Post-harvest processing / Marketing, JICA
December 2016-
Republic Moldova, Information collection and confirmation survey on agricultural sector
Sanitation and Food safety, JICA
November 2016-
Myanmar, Information collection and confirmation survey on small-scale infrastructure for poverty reduction
Agricultural machinery, JICA
November 2016-
Myanmar, Preparatory survey on an agriculture income improvement project
Extension of farm management practice, JICA
August 2016-
Tanzania, Project for Supporting Rice Industry Development
Marketing, JICA
August 2016 - October 2016
Sri Lanka, The Project for Formulating Cascade System Development Plan under North Central Province Canal
Post-harvest/Marketing, JICA
June 2016 - July 2016
Philippines, Project survey for mulberry leaf tea business in Pampanga province,
Creating an ODA proposal/Overall coordination/Cultivation experiment and technical guidance, JICA
May 2016 -
Ghana, Promoting smallholder farmers’ access to agricultural machinery, Ghana (3rd year)
(General coordination/Strengthen service system of agricultural machinery/Training program)
May 2016-
Tanzania, Project for Supporting Rice Industry Development
Post-harvest technic improvement, JICA
May 2016 - August 2016
Cambodia, The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase 7), JICA
May 2016
Senegal, Project on Improvement of Rice Productivity for Irrigation Schemes in the Valley
Agricultural machinery/Post-harvest process/Distribution/Marketing
May 2016 -
Cuba, The Project for Improvement of Equipment for rice production technic
Project director/Equipment plan/Operational management, JICA
March 2016-
Vietnam, Technical Cooperation Project on Development Planning of Agriculture Sector in Nghe An
Distribution, JICA
February 2016 -
Indonesia, Public-Private-Partnership Project for the Improvement of the Agriculture Product Marketing and Distribution System
Horticultural cultivation technique
February 2016
Ghana, Financial Management Improvement Project of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, JICA
February 2016 - August 2016
Armenia, Yeghvard Irrigation System. Improvement Project,
Farm management plan/Distribution/Farmer empowerment, JICA
June 2015 - March 2016
Cambodia, The study on the Project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities,(Phase 7),
August 2015 - March 2016
Project 2015
Tanzania, Project for Supporting Rice Industry Development (3rd year)
Marketing, JICA
June 2015 - August 2015
Tanzania, Project for Supporting Rice Industry Development (3rd year)
Post-harvest technic improvement, JICA
June 2015 - August 2015
Sri Lanka, The Project for the Establishment of Research and Training Complex at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna
April 2015 - December 2015
Ghana, Promoting smallholder farmers’ access to agricultural machinery, Ghana (2nd year)
March 2015 - August 2015
Philippines, The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Typhoon Yolanda
Agriculture/Community business, JICA
March 2015 - March 2016
Tanzania, Project for Supporting Rice Industry Development (2nd year)
Post-harvest technique improvement, JICA
January 2015 - February 2015
India, Information collection and confirmation survey on agricultural sector in Northeastern Provinces
Marketing/Distribution/Consumer analysis
December 2014 - March 2015
Tanzania, Project for Strengthening the Backstopping Capacities for the DADP Planning and Implementation under the ASDP Phase 2
Development support for a private sector
March 2015 - April 2015
Project 2014
Tanzania, Rice promotion support project (2nd year)
Marketing, JICA
East Timor, Irrigation and rice production project in Manatuto
Rice distribution sales
Bangladesh, Implementation and monitoring core city infrastructure / Implementation support project for improving administrative capacity (urban administrative finance improvement), JICA
Armenia, Collecting information and confirmation survey for an agricultural irrigation sector, JICA
Ghana, Promoting smallholder farmers’ access to agricultural machinery, Ghana (1st year), JICA
India, Initiative for Horticulture Intensification by Micro Drip Irrigation in Jharkhand
Project 2013
Kyrgyzstan, Data collection survey on agricultural mechanization, JICA
India, The Study on Development and Management of Land and Water Resources for Sustainable Agriculture in Mizoram
Agricultural economy/Marketing/Post-harvest, JICA
Nigeria, Rice Post-Harvest and Marketing Pilot Project in Nasarawa and Niger States
Evaluation analysis
Tanzania, Project for Supporting Rice Industry Development (1st year)
Marketing, JICA
Ethiopia, Project for Enhancing Development and Dissemination of Agricultural Innovations through Farmer Research Groups (Rice cultivation)
Project study, Study on cooperative approach for agricultural market and distribution
Value chain analysis, JICA
Project 2012
Bangladesh, The Project for Developing Inclusive City Government for City Corporations
Local administration, JICA
The Philippines, Agribusiness support in ARMM
Agribusiness development, JICA
Ghana and Myanmar, The Study on the Japanese Grant Assistance for underprivileged farmers
Support for underprivileged farmers/Equipment plan, JICA
Myanmar, Information collection and confirmation survey, JICA
Mozambique, Support for Agricultural Development Master Plan for Nacala Corridor
Farm management/Extension, Distribution/Marketing, JICA
Vietnam, Project for Sustainable Forest Management in the Northwest Watershed Area (2nd Year)
Agricultural, forestry and fishery products, JICA
Vietnam, Project for Agriculture Development in Phan Ri
Crop cultivation, JICA
Bangladesh, Information collection and confirmation survey on rural development in Southeast provinces
Development of local industry, JICA
Sierra Leone, Capacity Development for Comprehensive District Developments in the Northern Region
Rural development, JICA
Bolivia, Project of Value-added Agriculture and Forestry for Improvement of the Livelihood of Small-scale farmers in Northern La Paz
Project 2011
Nepal, Sindhuli Road Corridor Commercial Agriculture Promotion Project, JICA
Vietnam, Project for Sustainable Forest Management in the Northwest Watershed Area (1st year), JICA
Southern Sudan, Capacity Development Project for the Provision of Services for Basic Human Needs in Kassala, JICA
Sierra Leone, Capacity Development for Comprehensive District Developments in the Northern Region
Rwanda, Project for Increasing Crop Production with Quality Extension Services in the Eastern Province, JICA
Peru, Project for improving livelihood of small-scale farmers in Cajamarca, JICA
Vietnam, Small-scale Pro-Poor Infrastructure Development Project
Ghana, Financial Management Improvement Project of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, JICA
The Republic of Malawi, Technical Expert in Irrigation Policy Monitoring and Evaluation)
Senegal, Project on Improvement of Rice Productivity for Irrigation Schemes in the Valley of Senegal
Laos-Japan Human Resource Cooperation Center (3rd year), JICA
Project 2010
Cambodia, Kingdom of Bhutan, Suri Lanka, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Haiti, The Study on the Japanese Grant Assistance for underprivileged farmers(2KR)
Support for underprivileged farmers/Equipment plan, JICA
Bolivia, Project of Value-added Agriculture and Forestry for Improvement of the Livelihood of Small scale farmers in Northern La Paz, JICA
Senegal, Project on Improvement of Rice Productivity for Irrigation Schemes in the Valley
Malawi, Technical Expert in Irrigation Policy Monitoring and Evaluationma, JICA
Kenya, Establishment of Rural Electrification Model Using Renewable Energy, JICA
Cuba, Reinforcement of Certificated Seed Production System in Popular Rice (3rd year), JICA
Bangladesh, Participatory Rural Development Project(PRDP-2), JICA
Laos-Japan Human Resource Cooperation Center (2nd year), JICA
Project 2009
Afghanistan, Information collection and confirmation survey on overall agricultural condition in Northern and Northeastern region, JICA
India, Phase II Project for Crop Diversification in Himachal Pradesh, JICA
Cuba, Reinforcement of Certificated Seed Production System in Popular Rice (2nd year), JICA
Afghanistan, Information collection and confirmation survey on overall agricultural, JICA
Bangladesh, Participatory Rural Development Project(PRDP-2), JICA
Laos-Japan Human Resource Cooperation Center (2nd year), JICA
Ethiopia, Improvement project for agricultural market information in Northern region, JICA
Ethiopia, Survey for one village, one product project, JICA
Vietnam, Project on Capacity Development on Artisan Craft Promotion for Socio-economic Development in Rural Area, JICA
Japan, Training course ‘’Development extension of the agricultural equipment for smallholder farmers’’, JICA
Project 2008
Madagascar, Procurement plan for Rice hull power plant, JICS
Bangladesh, Participatory Rural Development Project(PRDP-2), JICA
Cuba, Reinforcement of Certificated Seed Production System in Popular Rice (2nd year), JICA
Bangladesh, Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation Policy project (Valuation analysis), JICA
Pakistan, Project development thorough local ODA Task Force
Uzbekistan, Regional Development in Karakalpakstan, JICA
Malawi, Institutional and Human Resource Development Project For One Village One Product Program (Evaluation analysis), JICA
Japan, Training course ‘’Development extension of the agricultural equipment for smallholder farmers’’, JICA
India, Technical Cooperation Project for Crop Diversification in Himachal Pradesh, JICA
Project 2007
Bangladesh, Strengthening Capacity for Water Quality Analysis and Monitoring System, JICA
Sri Lanka, Development Plan for Irrigation System in Mahaweli, JICA
Palestinian National Authority, The Project on Strengthening Extension System for Developing Sustainable Agricultural Technique, JICA
Myanmar, Integrated Mangrove Rehabilitation and Management Project through Community Participation in the Ayewady Delta, JICA
Pakistan, Project development through local ODA Task Force, JICA
Palestinian National Authority, Water Environment Improvement Project in Jordan Valley, JICA
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Improvement of Rice-based Agriculture in Nangarhar Province, JICA
Vietnam, Northwest Region Rural Development Project, JICA
Malawi, The Project development for Highway and Transportation
Japan, Development extension of the agricultural equipment for smallholder farmers, JICA
Project 2006
Laos, Rice Seed Multiplication and Distribution System Improvement Project, JICA
Sri Lanka, Pro-Poor Economic Advancement and Community Enhancement, JICA
Ghana, Survey for Rice Production and Sales, JICA
Japan, Training course ‘’Sustainable Agricultural Machinery System’’, JICA
Project 2005
Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Free Financial Aid for the Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster-affected Countries
Afghanistan, Support Program for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar, JICA
Egypt, Modernization Plan for Damanhur Agricultural Machinery Center, JICA
Pakistan, The Small-scale Dam Project for Irrigation System in a Northwestern Remote Region
Senegal, Rice Field Reorganizational Plan, JICA
Project 2004
Bhutan, The Technical Development and Extension Support Plan for Agricultural Production in Two Eastern Prefectures, JICA
Pakistan, Aid Program for Electrification Work in Rural Area, JICA
Sri Lanka, Agricultural and Rural Development Plan
Pakistan, Rural Roads Constriction Project
Indonesia, The Project on Capacity Development for Irrigation Association
Laos, Aid Program for Forest Management and Inhabitants
East Timor, Irrigation Maintenance Management Plan, JICA
Pakistan, The Basic Research for Agriculture, JICA