Promoting smallholder farmers’ access to agricultural machinery, Ghana

In Ghana, Agricultural Mechanization Service Centers (AMSEC) have been established across the country to promote agricultural mechanization for the private sector as an important program of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
AMSECs in each region have been providing machinery services to local farmers, to improve their access to agricultural machinery. Unfortunately, far short of the government’s goal to establish 170 AMSECs by 2015, only 89 was actually established. Furthermore, there were many cases where centers could not maintain stable profits due to management inefficiency and machinery problems.
Therefore, two staff members from our company worked on the AMSEC project to strengthen the administrative capabilities of the Agricultural Engineering Service Directorate (AESD) for the improvement of the AMSEC business. We provided management improvement training and consultation to business managers and machinery operators; we also contributed to the strengthening of cooperation among farmer groups, AMSECs and extension officers.
This project continues to encourage AMSECs to improve autonomy and sustainability of management, which, in turn will promote agriculture mechanization and lead to more efficient agricultural management for smallholder farmers in Ghana.